Experiences to Share

I wanted to share some experiences and reflections I have learned throughout my life. This is my point of view towards different circumstances I have had to experience.


There are moments in life where you start to lose yourself to maintain a friendship or family relation. Fighting to maintain things “okay” feels like a huge mountain on your shoulders because in order to maintain the bond you need to break yourself, you need to step over your character and personality just to please the other party. Eventually, that makes you feel bad, emotionally worn out, and in some way it diminish you. You start to carry extra weight that it does not belong to you! Sometimes we need to let go and whomever wants to stay it will stay and if it is meant to go, then wish them well and continue with your life.

We are valuable, we can not lose ourselves because of someone else. It is okay, life will give us better things, I strongly believe that God has a plan for everyone of us and it is way better than our plans. We just have to have faith in that.

I’m Katherine

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