

Welcome to this space where I can share a little bit about me, provide useful lifestyle tips, delicious homemade meals, and aesthetic decor ideas for your home.

To share something about myself, I am from Venezuela, I was born and raised there. I have Middle Eastern background, which makes my life more interesting as I got to enjoy the best of both cultures. I love Venezuelan’s and Syrian’s culture, we have delicious food, we celebrate many familiar events, and both cultures are focused on growing up surrounded by family and friends. Eventhough, both cultures are different, they are similar in terms of family, education and respect towards others.

I have always thought that coming from a household that has more than one culture, where we speak Arabic and Spanish at the same time, made me more aware to respect other cultures around the world. Being raised under this circumstances made me a person easy to adapt, grateful for every little thing and it made me realize how important is to value your traditions.

I’m Katherine

Welcome to my little space where I will share lifestyle, home, meals and wonderful tips!

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