What notable things happened today?

Today I realized how much I love and enjoy to do my daily chores; those that we complaint about everyday. It was like a huge shock for me because I had to go to a place that didn’t want to, but was unable to cancel, and that is when it hit me…. I was desperately desiring to stay home and clean, or do the dishes, or pack lunch… those are not fun activities but it made me realize how sometimes we take everything for granted.. but hold on a second what if one day you couldn’t do those things anymore? So next time I feel like complaining for my daily chores, I will remember how I felt when I couldn’t make them, when I couldn’t be there to do it. Doing those chores is a way to demonstrate how much you love your home, the place you are in, and a big lesson which is to appreciate the little things we do everyday.

I realized this with regular chores, but in reality it applies to everything!! Talking, walking, driving, eating, any thing we do everyday we should appreciate it.

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I’m Katherine

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